The Burntwood Wakes Push-Kart Derby – 8th Aug 2015, Supported by Burntwood Town Council, 11 a.m. – 5pm.
Event starts 9 years, 7 months, 4 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes, 42 seconds ago
Venue: Burntwood High Street Sankey’s Corner / Burntwood Shopping Centre.
Course: Two adjacent flat 100m straight runs for non-powered karts which can be pushed or pulled.
Technical Consultants / Judges: Chris and Craig Danby of team Danby Burntwood based Robot Combat Team, stars of TV’s own Robot Wars.
Entry Fee: £5 per team and all proceeds go to local charities.

Judge Craig Danby and the feared Tanto robot at the 2014 Robot Wars World Championships
- Junior teams, schools and child based teams/youth groups scouts etc.
- Individual family and friend based teams “shedheads”
- Corporate teams, any companies who want to enter or rather teams representing a company.
Various to include:
- Best dressed push kart
- Best technical design soap box
- Fastest push kart
- Best team
- Teams can consist of any number of people BUT in the race element there has to be the nominated driver and 3 push/pullers maximum.
- The push kart must have steering.
- The push kart must have brakes.
- The push kart must be no bigger than but may be smaller than 2m long by 1.5m wide and 1.2m tall.
- Any cover/body must be firmly attached to the push kart and considered to be safe on inspection.
- The push kart should be made strong enough to withstand several runs of the designated course.
- The push kart must have 4 wheels.
- Drivers must remain seated at all times during the event and seats must be securely attached to the push kart.
- The minimum driver age is 14 years old.
- All push karts will be subjected to scrutiny for suitability and safety to take part, before being given a competition entry number. The competition will be based on a time trial event, you will race down the course a set number of times and the team with the lowest combined time will win.
- All drivers must wear helmets and be fully covered (long sleeves and full length trousers) to be allowed to run the course.
It’s nearly time for the Burntwood Wakes Push Derby and the team from Burntwood Leisure Centre and Speedway Motorcycles are hard at it welding, bending and hearing bits of metal to form their wondrous creation (see photo below). There’s ttill time to get your team involved, so come on kart builders everywhere.