KP Events has linked up with the MS Society via its local branch in Solihull for it to become the Solihull Half Marathon charity of choice in 2018.
This very worthy national charity is always looking to new and different ways to get its message across and the KP Events team is happy to extend the opportunity to Helen and her hard working team the chance to work with us to raise much needed funds.
Details on how specifically you can help are set out below (click ‘More’) with links to the charity’s website, social media and just giving page.
The phone number for people interested in running for the MS Society is 0121 745 7981 and email address is mssolihullfundraising@gmail.com
More than 100,000 people in the UK live with Multiple Sclerosis. A diagnosis of MS, usually between the ages of 20 and 40 can be scary and heart-breaking. Symptoms vary enormously from case to case they can get steadily worse, or can come and go unpredictably throughout life. It is a very individual condition; no two people are affected in the same way.
The MS Society is the UK’s leading MS charity, it is made up of many local branches providing support for members and non-members, their families and carers in the local area. The Solihull & District Branch is run wholly by volunteers who arrange a wide variety of services and activities and currently have over 150 registered members in the Solihull area. We receive no central or government funding so everything we deliver we have to raise every penny ourselves! As a branch we are fiercely proud that everything we raise locally we spend locally on families affected by MS.
Funds are raised by events such as collections, coffee mornings and social events. All of the funds generated go to support the costs of providing a telephone helpline, weekly physiotherapist led exercise classes, social meetings and outings, and grants for equipment and personal development as well as running an adapted minibus. These services and activities are provided over 4 days a week, every week.
The MS Solihull Group has been running now for 42 years. The approximate annual cost of our exercise classes which take place twice a month for people affected with MS is £4,200. So we’re aiming to get at least 42 people to take part in the Solihull Half Marathon to raise £4,200 to be able to run that class and other similar activities. We will send you a free pack which contains a t-shirt or running vest, sponsor forms and fundraising ideas and tips. Thank you so much for joining Team MS!