Men: 1st Peter Ball Bromsgrove and Redditch 34.14, 2nd Billy Barrett Rugeley Runners 34.28 & 3rd Robert Meredith 34.41
Women: 1st Tamara Freeman Bromsgrove and Redditch 37.27, 2nd Elizabeth Watters Birchfield Harriers 39.33 & 3rd Olivia Harris Royal Sutton 40.41
Thank you to all runners that took part in the 25th Florette Fradley 10k
After a wet start to the morning for our 25th anniversary race (first held in 1999), we saw a fabulous turn out for this ever popular 10k road race. It was lovely to see great spectator numbers from friends, family and villagers alike.
We were blessed with sunshine as the winner and 1st Male, Peter Ball of Bromsgrove & Redditch AC crossed the finish line in a time of 34.14, closely followed by Billy Barrett of Rugeley runners in 2nd place, and Robert Meredith in 3rd place with a time of 34.45
The first female across the line was Tamara Freeman also from Bromsgrove & Redditch AC in a time of 37.27 and with an overall finish position of 16th, next was Elizabeth Watters of Birchfield Harriers in 39.33, and in 3rd place was Olivia Harris of Royal Sutton Colfield AC 40.41
Thank you to all our runners you’re amazing, and a special thank you to our wonderful sponsor at Florette for their support again in our anniversary year together.
For all results please see https://www.stuweb.co.uk/race/3ia
Photos are HERE https://running-photos-and-more.fotogoto.com/fradley-10k/photos